Lighting Integral to the FFU
Section 1: Integral LED light/Filter

A useful feature for a Fan Filter is integral lighting. Ideal lighting would be centered in the clean space, take up no space, be of high quality, and have the longest life possible so change outs are not necessary.
The answer is TES-Clean Air Systems patent pending LED “Lumifilter”. The long life LED lights sources are the most energy efficient, high quality light sources on the market today. Unlike with commonly used fluorescent bulbs, there is no concern that inadvertent breakage will pollute your wafers with mercury vapors. Additionally, having the FFU provide lighting is one more thing off your plate, shortening your “to do” list on your next project.
Section 2: Fluorescent lighting
For those applications where fluorescent lighting is preferred we feature and extended filter frame on the FFU that holds a laminar flow/tear drop light. The light is powered and controlled from a switch on the FFU, or can controlled remotely from the tool.