Custom Fan Filter Units for Biotech Clean Rooms
A Fan Filter Unit is an excellent way to meet the need when a small amount of HEPA/ULPA filtered clean space is required. A fan filter unit can be a very plain item like an Envirco-MAC 10 or something more specific in size and specification, which are referred to by names such as Custom Fan Filter Unit , Engineered Fan filter Unit, or Custom specified Fan filter unit.
Both types of Fan filter units have their place in the market, depending on the customer’s needs.

The Envirco MAC-10 Fan filter unit is a good choice when using a standard size such as nominal 2’X4’ and bottom line price are the two main drivers. When needed features for the Fan Filter Unit include a non-standard size, non-standard filter specification (such as PTFE or U15), a specific air flow, digital fan speed control, Automatic pressure control (APC), Airborn molecular contamination (AMC) eliminating prefilters, integral LED lights (click here to see video on integral lighting.), integral Simco-Ion ionization, or specialized materials of construction such as 316 or 304 Stainless steel a Custom Fan Filter Unit from Airflotek would be ideal.
TES-CleanAir Systems distributes all types of Fan filters Units and can be reached on the web at or by phone at (510) 656- 5333. Ask for Jim Harris or Larry Ottesen for engineering help.